Its been a long time in the works but finally there is man made wave that works. The Wave Garden, recently built in Northern Spain has managed to produce an 18 second peeling wave that can be generated to a hight of 6 feet. Up until the creation of this technology man made waves were limited to amusement park wave pools or the flowrider machines, which are a far cry from surfing real ocean waves. The existing Wave Garden is currently not open to the public as it is being used for testing and development but the technology behind is up for sale. There is already plans to open up Wave Gardens in many locations around the world including the USA. Anyone want to go halfsies with me? Approximate facility investment (including generator and civil work of the lagoon): starts from €3 million for simple civil works and the small wave generator (similar to the current system in Northern Spain). Depending on the wave generator and the difficulty of the terrain investment can vary. Number of waves generated (per hour): 120 expert waves of at least 18-second duration and a larger number of beginner and intermediate waves in the perimeter of the lagoon. Capacity: between 50 and 100 surfers in the lagoon at one time (10-30 expert surfers, 15-45 intermediate surfers and 30-45 beginners), equivalent to 500-1.000 surf sessions of 1 hour per day, or over 200.000 surf sessions per annum. Over 1 million ‘non-surfer’ visitors yearly. Average power:270 kW for the 1,3m high wave in the Wavegarden Demo Center and very moderate with waves up to 1,9m height. Payback: less than 4 years Annual EBITDA: over 1 million euros IRR: between 15% and 20% depending upon location Check out
WaveGarden.com for more info.
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